
Scientific Publication Development Center/Pusat Pengembangan Publikasi Ilmiah (P3I) Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo


Realizing a scientific publication unit that facilitates scientific publication activities in UMSIDA that have global impact to the science development based on Islamic values.


  • Manage, accompany, and direct scientific journal in UMSIDA based on the Code of Conduct of Committee on Publication Ethics and standards of KEMENRISTEKDIKTI based National Accreditation.
  • Monitor and assist UMSIDA academicians to publish scientific papers in International reputable Journal.
  • Monitor and accompany the publication of UMSIDA academicians to obtain maximum dissemination and have high scientific impact in knowledge development.


  • Achieving the maximum impact of scientific publication written by UMSIDA academicians.
  • Increasing the impact of research at UMSIDA in national and international level.
  • Enhancing interest in research cooperation between academicians inside and outside UMSIDA.
  • Supporting all scientific journals at UMSIDA to become National accredited journals.
  • Supporting one of the journals at UMSIDA to be reputable international journal in the world.